Submar’s Powerful New 1,300 Bar Offshore Pump
A few days ago, we proudly took delivery of our newest pump. 1,300 bar at 212 litres per minute, what a force, what a beast! And with seawater it quenches its thirst.
To be fully in tune with offshore and decommissioning regulations, the pump was installed in a 20-foot offshore container as per DNV 2.7-1. We at SUBMAR like quality, which is why we chose to have as many attributes around the pump in stainless steel as possible. All the pipework, all the container penetrations, the air inlets, the air outlet, the water tank, and much more. All in stainless steel!
The pump has an output of over 500kW and is powered by a modern marine diesel engine from VOLVO PENTA.
The pump powers our hydrodemolition machines with which we are guaranteed to crush the hardest concrete or grout and any type of rock. In May, she will go on her first trip and will be milling the piles of 2 old gas platforms in offshore conditions. Rest assured, we will keep you updated.
And our office manager wanted to see the beast in person from a short distance.

Submar’s Powerful New 1,300 Bar Offshore Pump
Built for Offshore Decommissioning
Stainless Steel Durability & Modern Power
First Deployment: Hydrodemolition at Sea