Measuring is knowing! Windmills are built at sea every day. Gigantic works of art that supply electrical power to thousands of families.
In order to guarantee that these structures can be positioned correctly and will last for more than 25 years, a great deal of data is required. The constructor wants to “know” a lot. And that is why our government ensures that we can easily “measure” a lot in the sea.
That’s why the RT1 measurement tower was installed. And it is such a great success that, although the tower has not been there long, there was not enough space anymore to place all the sensors. So our government decided to place an extra measuring frame underwater so there would be enough room for a whole series of additional sensors. And SUBMAR was awarded the contract. We were delighted and honoured!
The job was done in one working day. Despite the fact that almost everyone got seasick, we are proud of the result.
Another satisfied customer!