EMERGENCY NUMBER (24/7) +32 50 65 84 30 info@submar.be
Building Trust: Ensuring Quality Through Certification

Building Trust: Ensuring Quality Through Certification

Who doesn’t once sigh at all the work surrounding certifications?All that paperwork… and not once but over and over again. By certifying, we prove that we meet thoughtful standards. That’s reassuring for us but especially for our customers. As we are...
Multistring Conductor Cutting: A Unique Solution for Offshore Well Decommissioning

Multistring Conductor Cutting: A Unique Solution for Offshore Well Decommissioning

Some time ago, a series of wells were cut and removed from a platform. One well presented a challenge. The 30’ conductor was found to have a steel cage around it. And this posed problems during decommissioning. As a result, the well could not be removed through the...
Contract for Innovative Grout Removal and Cutting of Offshore Platform Legs

Contract for Innovative Grout Removal and Cutting of Offshore Platform Legs

We are proud to announce that SUBMAR has secured a significant contract for the grout removal and abrasive water jet cutting of the legs of two offshore platforms. This project presents a unique challenge, as the platform legs are filled to the edge with grout. To...